P.O Box 02, Karuguuza| Tel: +256-772-479462| E-mail: info@kibaale.go.ug | kibaale1@yahoo.com
Location & Size
Kibaale District is located in the Mid-Western part of Uganda. The District is bordered by Kagadi District to the West and the North, Kakumiro District and Mubende District to the East, Kyegegwa District and Kyenjojo District to the South; it is approximately 215 Kms from Kampala, the Capital City of Uganda. It covers a total area of approximately 1,170 sq. kms. Kibaale District has a favorable climate. It enjoys a bi-modal rainfall type which varies between 1000 mm-1500 mm per annum i.e. moderate to high rainfall. Rainfall comes in two peaks, one from March to May and the second from September to December. Temperatures are relatively high varying between 150c and 300c.