Kibaale district launches Second Phase works of over 899 million at Kasimbi Health Center III


Kibaale District leaders and the area MPs have launched second phase construction works at Kasimbi Health Center III worth over 899 million shillings in Kasimbi Sub County.


The works will entail the construction of an Out Patient Department block, staff house, a two-stance latrine, fence and other external works and the facility is expected to set to start offering services by 1st July next financial year 2024/2025.


At the launch function, the Buyanja East County MP, Dr. Emely Kugonza urges the constructor to complete the works in the stipulated period of 8 months further assuring residents that another facility is to be constructed in Kayanja Sub County next financial year.


The District Woman MP, Noeline Kisembo Basemera used the same function to tell residents that the electricity line from Nyamarwa via Kibaale to Kasimbi project is in final stages and the construction of Kasimbi piped water is also in pipeline.


In his remarks, John Katotoroma the CAO Kibaale commends the area MPs for their visionary leadership and lobbying capacity across all sectors and announced Albert Mukasa, a Senior Clinical officer as the in charge of Kasimbi H/CIII.


Chrizestom Bagire, the Acting district engineer and Nkurunungi Peter the Engineer at EXTECH Technical services that is undertaking the works pledged quality work.


The function was also graced by Kibaale RDC Godwin Angalia Kasigwa, NRM chairperson Fred Matovu, district councilors, and local leaders among others.


Friday, May 17, 2024