As Uganda Bureau of Statistics organization is nearing to conduct census exercise across the Country, in Kibaale at least 693 numerators and 273 supervisors applied and were short listed for the forthcoming exercise of interviews in the district scheduled next week.


The Resident District Commissioner Kibaale Godwin Angalia Kasingwa says statistics indicate, in Kibaale district 693 enumerators applied but the district is targeting only 615 enumerators who will be working in the different enumeration areas being supervised by 107 of the 273 who applied for the Enumeration Supervisor role.


Angalia says as a district they have agreed to hold the interviews for three days and that is from 13th – 15th this month. The interviews have further been divided into three clusters; the 1st cluster includes sub counties of Kayanja, Kasimbi, Kyebando, Matale, Karama and Nyamarwa, 2nd includes Nyamarunda, Kabasekende, Bwamiramira, Mugarama, Kyakazihire and Bubango sub counties, and the last cluster includes Nyamarunda and Kibaale town councils.


He however says, UBOS had earlier guided on who qualifies and that was S.6 leavers however due to a low register of those in that category they pleaded with government to lower level of education among the applicants which saw even those with ‘O’ level certificates apply.


He reminded the shortlisted applicants to present some of the requirements to the panel when time comes, and this will include; National ID, TIN number from URA, Introductory letter from LC1 Chairperson & GISO, Academic documents, Telephone number corresponding with the names on the National ID and a smart phone.


Thursday, April 18, 2024